Be smart with SMRT

Performing SMRT techniques to your strength and conditioning program can help you add up to 24% to your clubhead speed. To understand SMRT, you need to understand two terms. The first is “muscle fascia”: Your dense connective tissue that surrounds and holds your organs, blood vessels, nerves and bones. There are three layers, your superficial fascia, deep fascia and subserous fascia. The second term is “trigger points”: where your muscles are tight, thick and knotted. If left untreated, those tight areas could become an injury and source of chronic pain.

These are the most common areas where trigger points occur.

With a foam roller, you can do SMRT anywhere. The CSC Performance coaching video below shows how a foam roller can be used on 9 different areas that impact golfers.

Here are some important pointers to remember when doing SMRT exercises:

  • Spend only 1-2 minutes on each area before switching to the other side.
  • Hold between 30 and 45 seconds when you find a trigger point (knot).
  • Make sure your lumbo-pelvic-hip complex is stable when you practice SMRT by engaging your core muscles.
  • Reduce tension by breathing slowly.
  • For the best results, practice SMRT daily.

Roll it out

By using SMRT techniques you can transform your playing experience. Let’s check your progress with an assessment before and after 8 weeks of consistent strength training and stretching to see if you can get your clubhead speed up by over 24%!

If you engage in these exercises, you agree that you do so at your own risk and assume all risk of injury to yourself.


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