Start with your foundation

If you want to increase your clubhead speed, you should include upper body strength training in your routine year-round. This includes building a solid foundation in the off-season, developing golf-specific strength in the pre-season and maintaining your strength in-season. In the video below, Matt Scott shows how you can do this from the comfort of your own home. As you progress, you can add weights.

Although golf-specific strength exercises are designed to prevent injuries, it’s not a remedy to fix niggles. If you have any injuries or niggles, visit a healthcare practitioner before attempting strength training, particularly with weights.

Stay strong

To get the most out of your clubhead speed and your golf, you need to do year-round strength training. Knowing where to begin and what to focus on can be confusing. Let’s check your clubhead speed and progress with an assessment before and after 8 weeks of consistent strength training.

If you engage in these exercises, you agree that you do so at your own risk and assume all risk of injury to yourself.


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